About Virtual Assistant Reviewer

Last updated on June 18, 2021 by The VA Reviewer

Hi, I’m Shelu, and I call myself the Virtual Assistant Reviewer.
I help business owners like you make intelligent decisions about outsourcing and hiring virtual assistants. As a former virtual assistant, I also aspire to provide helpful resources to aspiring remote workers.

I started this website to build an internet resource for freelancers and business owners, a one-stop shop for everything about outsourcing, remote work, making money, and sharing my travel stories.

It then evolved into a platform to connect with other remote workers, share valuable work experiences, and inspire people to take the reins of their lives and change their path for the kind of life they desire.

My Story

I’m the guy behind this website that aims to help companies decide what path to take in their outsourcing journey. I have also envisioned this website assisting aspiring individuals who want to become virtual assistants or remote workers.

It all started after the 2020 pandemic. I just came out of employment with one of the Big four firms. I was excited to kick off my career as a solo practitioner in my hometown, becoming my very own boss.

But the pandemic came in, and all my plans changed. I can no longer open my boutique law and accountancy firm in the traditional sense. Offices were closed, and people stayed at home.

While dealing with my legal and accounting clients virtually, I saw the explosion of the work-from-home setup. The once-considered unique way of work became the norm overnight.

So I thought of starting a website that would encapsulate my years of experience which will cater to the current trend. I can probably show aspiring online workers the ropes by writing about what I’ve learned.

When I first became a virtual assistant, I was trying to meet ends while finishing law school. When I landed my first-ever online job, my earnings paid for my school bills and living expenses.

It was initially hard as I juggled work by daytime (working for a digital marketer in New Zealand) and the academic demands of my academic life. And I saw this website as an outlet to inspire other remote workers that an online job can improve their lives.

After finishing law school, I became a full-fledged lawyer in 2019. I joined PricewaterhouseCoopers as a Senior Associate in its International Tax team in the Philippines. I worked at the firm on weekdays and helped my partner scale up our business on the weekends.

We were bootstrapping our internet business then. I held multiple roles in the company, trying to save every penny from our small earnings. And this role as a business owner allowed me to see outsourcing from another perspective.

Outsourcing is an arduous journey that business owners and professionals must tread carefully. One mistake could be financially disastrous. But when done right, the rewards can be fantastic, financially rewarding, and will improve your life in ways you have never imagined.

My experience as an online worker, a lawyer working at a prestigious firm, and a founder of an internet start-up allowed me to see things from different lenses.
I have experienced burnout and losing time for family and friends. But I have also seen the flexibility of non-location-dependent employment and the expansion of my horizons. And as a business owner, I’ve learned to love owning my time and doing things on my terms.

Looking back, I feel blessed that my collective journey gave me various opportunities to improve my life. My partner and I aspired for financial independence, and we’re on our way to achieving that.

For these reasons, I aspire to make my website a guide to help newbies in remote work, guiding them to find their success.

I wish there were websites like this one where I could get all the resources I needed. Back in my day, during the “teen” years of remote work, resources were scarce.
This website is my way of giving back to the industry that has ultimately changed the trajectory of my life’s journey.

What Do I Do??

I currently do consult work for businesses looking to outsource to the Philippines, write content, practice corporate law and accounting, and serve as our company’s chief resources officer.

My partner and I created our lifestyle as we wanted it. Gone are the days of toiling 8 to 12 hours daily at an office dealing with corporate giants and massive multinationals.

Working remotely and owning a location-independent business allowed me to focus on a legal practice I can do virtually. As an accountant and bookkeeper, I work with e-Commerce business owners and tech start-ups to maintain their books and prepare financial reports.

And these only became possible because I became a virtual assistant at some point in my life. It is the catalyst that has changed my life plans and opened my eyes to endless possibilities.

We run our internet business, and we are our own bosses. We live a very flexible lifestyle and get to do the things we enjoy the most.

About Virtual Assistant Reviewer

I frequently travel, but I am only not constantly on the road. So I don’t consider myself a digital nomad.

But running my own business allows me the flexibility to book travels whenever I feel it. Also, my partner and I are parents to a fluffy and gentle Golden Retriever we’ve named Hugo. Traveling for a prolonged time isn’t feasible as I’d miss my baby so badly.

Like many digital nomads, my work and livelihood depend on my laptop. And I get to bring my work and business wherever I go. So in a way, I get to feel the digital nomad lifestyle while we travel, but we currently call the Philippines our home base.

Are you interested in getting my services?

Suppose you’re looking to outsource and build a team in the Philippines. In that case, I can help you avoid the perils and make sound decisions based on my more than ten years of experience in business, finance, and personnel management.

The following are some of the services I offer to clients:

1. Business consulting

As a licensed accountant and lawyer with intensive corporate and tax experience, I can provide sound advice for your business. Your company can benefit greatly from my PwC experience and the years spent building a seven-figure company from scratch.

2. Freelance writing

If you love what you found on this website, please consider me for the job. I can write polished and engaging content, from conversational and friendly blogs to technical business papers.

3. Bookkeeping and accounting

I offer bookkeeping and accounting services at a very competitive rate, notwithstanding my Big Four firm experience. My services include maintaining your books, preparing bank reconciliations, and preparing year-end financial statements.

If you have any questions or comments about this website, on how to start your outsourcing journey, on becoming a virtual assistant or remote worker, or a business proposition, contact us via below:


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