25 Online Jobs in the Philippines You Can Apply for Today (2021)

25 Online Jobs in the Philippines You Can Apply for Today

Worldwide compulsory stay-at-home protocol paved the way for both students and the working sector to practice and build multiple income streams.  

A flexible work schedule primarily benefits people who have extra time to grind and do their side hustles. 

Online hustle is a diverse way of making extra cash fast. Working experience is not the main requirement to be employed in an online job. 

However, it does have a clutch on your resume. Nevertheless, willingness to learn the skills you can offer in your desired position would eventually become handy.

Start your career while staying at home with this student and part-time friendly 25 online jobs you can find at VirtualStaff.ph

Virtual Assistants

Virtual Assistants (VAs) are becoming more popular these days. The duties of VAs vary according to the type of business or project they are handling. 

VAs may have different fields, but the vital skills are good communication skills, time management, and organization. 

Here is the list of Virtual Assistants that you can apply in VirtualStaff.ph.

Social Media

Social media virtual assistants can be trickier since they need to possess managing, editing, and writing skills. These virtual assistants manage the client’s social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They handle account-scheduled posting, stories, and campaigns to get the audience hooked to the client’s products.


Time grinding might be required for this type of virtual assistant since it performs various tasks such as entertaining customers, answering queries, or posting products, especially when your client is on eBay or Shopify. E-commerce virtual assistant also includes platforms such as Amazon, Shopee, and Lazada. Familiarization of the client’s platform is a must to avoid downtime and elude training days to navigate the seller platform.


General Virtual Assistant (GVA) can be compared to a Personal Assistant or a Secretary. They perform tasks that leverage the workload of their client, such as phone calls, answering emails, and arranging calendar appointments. Essential skills to adequately perform your duties are reliability, resourcefulness, and organization.

Real Estate

Real estate virtual assistant provides various services inclined with the client’s business. This type of VA sets an appointment for clients and looks for potential properties to acquire. Studying how real estate works might come strong, especially that there is a lot of jargon in this field. VAs in this sector can also work on their client’s social media to schedule property postings.

Data Entry

A data entry job is a sought-after side hustle since it is suitable for part-time, freelance, or full-time. This type of job deals with a tremendous load of work using computers and programs to input data and documentation. Skills needed for this job are being organized, time management, and navigating through the platform.

Content Writer

Content writing is an in-demand online job that can cater to students and part-time job seekers. This job provides ghostwriting for companies and websites that need promotion for their products. 

There are different fields of content writing, such as marketing, blogging, and social media posting. Since it can be done with searches and a bit of creativity, content writing is a famous side hustle for those who look for fast cash. 

It is a convenient way of earning cash regardless of your educational attainment. You just need a computer, stable internet, creativity, and you’re good to go.

SEO Expert

SEO experts’ edge is their familiarity with the frequent words that people search on the internet. They elevate websites to gain more traffic and achieve higher search engine ranks. 

In layman’s terms, an SEO expert is the one who bumps websites or articles to acquire more clicks and gain their target flow.

The vital aim of an SEO expert is to spread awareness of their client’s website and deliver a volume of campaigns. They utilize their company’s resources, such as social media pages and websites, to make their products known.


Copywriters are tasked to double-check the writer’s projects, whether in soft copy or print. They are responsible for fixing vague statements and delivering explicit texts. 

Copywriters either write copy or improve projects.

Having a background in copywriting or journalism is an edge for this job. Jargons are usually intercalated with this work. Essential skills for an aspiring copywriter would be strong writing skills, good communication, and critical thinking.

Marketing Specialist

Marketing specialists is an in-demand job, especially that Small Medium enterprises have been booming these past few months. This type of job utilizes marketing programs using various channels. They brainstorm ideas and run through marketing campaigns for their clients.

Helpful traits for marketing specialists would be a fast learner, hard-working, and solid business-related background.

Facebook Marketing

Facebook marketing is social media managers that focus on social media platforms. These platforms include Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. 

On the other side, Facebook is the most populated platform, which means that it is an excellent platform for making your service or product known.

The utilization of social media platforms is a brilliant way to maximize available resources for one’s company. Workloads of social media marketing are all about promoting brands by posting content and visual aids. 

It aims to gain more customer traffic and interact with customers.

Since social media marketing is a prolyl all-around job, knowing how to do content writing and navigate through photoshop editors would be a significant edge among other aspiring social media marketers.

Google Adwords

Google AdWords is a highfalutin job born from technological advancements. Adwords analysts analyze and build a tailored tapestry of data for campaigns. They oversee potential clients who AdWords capture.

Google AdWords analyst works to hit the goals and reach their campaign target. Since this is a new job for most of us, Google AdWords is an attractive field where certification training is offered free, and the official exam costs only $149.

If you’re looking for a job to widen your knowledge and skills in digital marketing, Google AdWords is worth it.

Web Developer

A web developer job is convenient to work for a remote-set-up. They are responsible for various website building tasks such as coding, analyzing designs and color palettes, and running the website’s flow. A web developer generally has a bachelor’s degree in Computer science or finished a web dev boot camp that can last six (6) months.

Web dev job is not a work in the park and is not usually suitable for students to dive into. However, if you’re tech-savvy and into website development, web dev is a recommended job.

Customer Service

Customer service workers are representatives for a company to entertain customers and answer all their queries. Communications can vary depending on the customer’s need. It can be billing, inquiries, troubleshooting, or collection support.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is also under the customer service field. This job can be performed even if you’re a student with some extra time. 

However, customer service usually faces fuming customers primarily when they are assigned to internet service providers. With this, customer service requires a bit more patience and understanding of the side of the customer. 

Good communication skills and English proficiency counts as an advantage for a person to apply to customer service.


A thriving job from the field of business: accountants. Although the current stance of the community partially impaired the economy, companies are still thriving and slowly elevating the economic stand of the country. Regardless of the type of business one is running, business owners still need an account.

An accountant facilitates business books, sales, and tax payments monthly, quarterly, and annually. They keep track of time to avoid penalties for the overdue tax payment of their clients.

To apply for an accountant position, one should have a bachelor’s degree in accountancy to perform their tasks effectively.


Oversee a business’ financial stance and keep accurate books. It includes payrolls, financial entries, and account payables. Just like accountants, bookkeepers thrive if there are operating companies.

A notable worthy skill for a bookkeeper is transparency, attention, and organization skills.

Photoshop Expert

Being able to know your way through photoshop applications and software is indeed an edge for online jobs. Since people spend most of their past time surfing the internet, social media has become the big marketing platform for businesses. 

With this, photoshop experts are in demand for their ability to manipulate photos. It is usually a hobby for some people, but if you’re willing to learn the field of photoshop, you can always do it with the aid of the trusty internet.

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This job is suitable for academically inclined people who enjoy writing scholarly papers. Research is tasked to perform data gathering, organization, and analysis of data. Specializations are also highlighted, such as medicine, science, and mathematics.

Researchers work for academic institutions that need extra helping hands for their research.

Video Editor

Usually works together with photo editor. Like photoshop experts, video editors are sought-after, especially companies targeting social media users to promote their products. Video editors are responsible for manipulating service or product videos to capture potential customers.

This job usually requires a studio to shoot into to have a desirable outcome. Equipment is needed to shoot videos and construct the final video. 

A taste for color palette and ambiance for the projects is a must. Sound effects and graphical special effects are intercalated with this type of work. Most video editors have a bachelor’s degree in film or broadcasting.

Graphic Designer

A graphic designer is an artist that is usually confused with a photoshop editor. Their tasks can sometimes overlap. 

However, a graphic designer is responsible for delivering aesthetically pleasing images. With the aid of applications and software, graphics and layouts are provided adequately.

Graphic designers are the most sought-after jobs of companies that need arrangements for their postings. They can also comply depending on the client’s wants. 

To become a graphic designer, you should be knowledgeable in digital illustration and software creating designs. It is a job for artistically inclined people who finds joy in manipulating visual elements such as logos, postings, stories, and even illustrations.

Lead Generator

A lead generator is also a business-inclined job. They are tasked to generate leads that aim to turn potential clients into a returning client. It often comes with lead management.

In layman’s terms, the lead generator analyzes a customer’s purchasing behavior and attracts them as their prospective customer. This process of converting a potential customer to a constant customer makes a company’s stance stable.

A lead generator is usually performed using blogging and email funnels. With this, lead generators will collect prospective customers’ details and send them email funnels to spread awareness about their products and services.

PHP Developer

A PHP developer is for those tech-savvy people. This type of software developer exhibits critical thinking skills and performs well with their team.

They specialize in the implementation and designing of software with the use of PHP language. These developers play a significant role in overseeing web analytics. With its special kind, it is one of the most in-demand programming languages in the world.

Sales Representative

A sales representative is the entity of a business that closes deals. These representatives are most likely seen by giant companies that offer various pricey items. Their wage varies from company to company. 

The typical setting for this job is to have a low salary and have a high commission that can be earned depending on the sales you can make within a month.

Since this job requires promoting a product, strong communication skills, patience, and marketing skills come in handy. However, in our current state, where almost everyone is in remote-set-up, sales representatives utilize the technological advancements to connect with their clients.

Project Manager

Project managers are the heart of ongoing projects. They are responsible for looking over from bottom to top of the project. They work on it all from planning, organizing to the workforce, time allocation, and budget.

They are tasked to man over target deliberation of projects and see if they hit their initial target outcome. This job requires a bachelor’s degree in business or computer science. Sometimes, degree holders add some project managing units to learn more about this field.

Lazada/Alibaba Specialist

These jobs are mainly aiding business owners that need an extra helping hand to run their business. An Alibaba/Lazada specialist is familiar with the platform and can perform various customer services within the system. They answer inquiries, arrange orders and talk to customers.

They also do product listing, complete the description, comply with the backdrop and think of a product title that can bump the product up as the customers’ search for the keywords.

Magento Developer

Just like the types mentioned earlier of developers, Magento developer is a backbone of e-commerce stores. They built an advanced Magento e-commerce. Magento is used in e-commerce since it drives more sales and comes with a built-in platform, unlike other platforms like WordPress that is more suitable for marketing. As a Magento developer, you need to have background knowledge in PHP and HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Web Designer

Web designers redesign websites to meet the client’s needs. The easy flow of the website and aesthetically pleasing backdrops for customers are their specialties. This industry is rapidly growing since surfing on the internet is already intercalated with everyone’s life.

Web designers formulate website layouts and consult them with their clients. They are also responsible for registering web domain names and hosting their project website.

Since this job requires artistic skills, you should exhibit creativity, patience, and good communication skills to perform efficiently in this field of work.

PPC Expert

PPC means pay-per-click. A PPC expert is an all-around one-person team that analyzes data, does lead generation, e-commerce management, and plans strategic advertising campaigns. This job may not be for beginners, but job seekers who have solid foundations in marketing can give PPC a shot.

PPC models are usually offered by search engines where traffics are everything. PPC expert monitors the trends and utilize the ad function.

iOs Developer

From the job title itself, iOs developers work under Apple’s govern. Apple allows its members to issue apps within the company’s operating system. An iOs developer is tasked to develop applications that can be run through Apple’s OS.

This job is for developers that already have a background in application development.

VirtualStaff.ph has all of these jobs on their website. If you’re a Filipino looking for an appointment to apply to, this is a sign to visit their website and choose the job that suits you best. 

A college degree is not required to find the best side hustle for you. A little courage and an internet connection are all it takes to shoot your shot and start earning in dollars.

Hourly wages differ depending on the job you’re talking to and the year of your experience. 

If you’re a student, a freelancer, or a full-time worker, VirtualStaff.ph got your back!

Picture of The VA Reviewer

The VA Reviewer

The VA reviewer is an avid traveler, a licensed accountant, practicing corporate and tax lawyer, and an online entrepreneur. He has leveraged his online job experience and professional qualifications to provide solutions to problems hounding businesses.

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