How to Find an Entry-Level Remote Job (and Get Hired ASAP)?

Thanks to technology improvements such as cloud storage, real-time digital communication, and cross-team collaboration software, the prospects of remote work grow every day.

Gone are the days when only senior developers and established consultants could work remotely.

Companies of all sizes, ranging from small startups to Fortune 500 corporations, embrace the remote work setup and have seen the benefits of allowing their staff to work outside the typical office setting.

Senior-level employees aren’t the only ones who can enjoy a more flexible schedule. Nowadays, even entry-level professionals can find remote jobs aligned with their professional goals.

The flexible remote work positions were previously reserved for those who had spent years grinding at a desk in a corporate office setting. In other words, those who have proven trustworthy and dependable by the management deliver the desired results.

But newbies, while working from home, are now easier to guide and monitor to complete tasks with the availability of collaborative tools, efficient video conferencing applications, and quick-to-retrieve shared files and documents.

This article is for you if you are a high school student or a fresh college graduate looking for a promising career online and a flexible remote job.

Based on my experience, here are some highly practical tips for finding entry-level remote jobs that could kickstart a life-changing freelancing career online.

How to Find an Entry Level Remote Job

What is an entry-level remote job?

If you are looking for work that allows you to work from the comfort of your home, it would be best to use the proper terms when you search online via search engines like Google. You might be startled by the many terms used to describe it.

Telecommuting, virtual work, remote work, and home-based work are all phrases that are often used interchangeably. They all represent a job that does not need you to be in a regular office setting.

How about an entry-level remote job? Well, when you say entry-level, it refers to a position that requires little to no experience. It can typically be a part-time position or one that has flexible hours.

Entry-level remote jobs usually pay lesser wages. It could be due to the lower level of skills needed and the fact that this position serves as the stepping stone for someone looking to start a career online. 

However, not all entry-level remote work will pay low wages. Employers could seek a specific skill set that can be trained through various engagements and projects.

As such, there are entry-level remote jobs that are full-time, permanent jobs and offer a stable income stream for working students or fresh graduates.

Where can you work from home?

According to data from FlexJobs, nearly 95% of remote job advertisements require workers to be situated in a specific place. It is remote as you can spend most of your time from home, but you are still required to visit the office from time to time. And only 5% of remote employment are classified as “work-from-anywhere” positions.

Legal and tax difficulties, professional licensing, availability for on-site training or meetings, travel needs, and proximity to clients are typical reasons for needing remote workers in a specified location—such as a state, country, region, or time zone.

Remote jobs with a physical location usually fall into one of three categories:

  • National employment in the United States can be done from anywhere in the country
  • International employment with a focus on a single country that is based outside of the country
  • Occupations that require employees to be in a specific area of the United States, such as city or state jobs.

Jobs that can be done anywhere, whether in Europe or Asia, are usually entirely remote. These positions allow workers to work from home and wherever they may be situated.

What kinds of jobs can you do from home?

Since the phrase “remote job” relates purely to the location of the work, it can refer to any type of job and any style of schedule. Remote work, for example, can include part-time or full-time hours and temporary, flexible, and alternate plans.

The following are some entry-level remote job ideas for you to consider:

Sales representative

Even entry-level salespeople are allowed to work from home in many businesses. They are location-independent since they perform much of their work over the phone or on a computer.

With all the tools now available at home to contact and connect with leads and potential customers, more and more sales representatives are leaving physical office spaces.

This is the job for you if you want to work from home while still engaging with people daily.

IT support 

Many entry-level IT support opportunities are available on remote job boards if you’re a tech-savvy individual. This could be the way to go for you to get a headwind in the online job industry. Thanks to technology that allows you to access servers or clients’ devices from anywhere globally, you are no longer required to be in the same city as your client to reset and/or troubleshoot IT systems.

Content writer

Content creation has never been more popular, and websites are actively seeking content writers to remain relevant and at the top of Google search rankings. Consider applying for Content writer positions at your favorite websites or companies if you have a knack for words and the talent to create engaging content.

Online language instructor

Another job position that has become increasingly remote and online is language instruction. Online teaching has become more effective via video calls and gamification technologies. Language instructors are no longer required to be confined to traditional classrooms. Language instruction has increasingly become virtual, with students now getting instructors from countries where the language they’re learning is natively spoken.

If you want to help people learn, becoming an online language teacher can be the appropriate path for you.

Virtual assistant

If you enjoy protocols, organization, and quick problem-solving but dislike commuting, becoming a virtual assistant may be the right fit for you. Managing a customer service inbox, planning your boss’s schedule and travel, and ensuring that documents are drafted within deadlines, are some of the tasks of a virtual assistant.

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Dedicated job boards for remote workers

These websites are some of the most trusted by remote workers worldwide.


Over 50 job categories are available on FlexJobs, with telecommuting and remote work options for people at all stages of their careers. There are freelance projects, part-time jobs, and full-time remote work options. What is the most enjoyable aspect? They make sure all job postings are being reviewed before they go live. Thus, you won’t waste time looking at shady remote work opportunities.

Sara Sutton, the founder and CEO of FlexJobs, founded Unlike Flexjobs, focuses solely on remote work opportunities and does not include telecommuting or work-from-home jobs. The site makes looking for remote data entry, teaching, and healthcare work simpler. You can also use the filters to look for entry-level, freelance, high-paying, or part-time remote jobs.

Just Remote

JustRemote’s search page is straightforward, allowing you to browse its remote job listings easily and quickly. Users can also search for remote jobs in specific countries on the website. First, decide whether you want a permanent or contract position and what type of remote job you want to do.


Upwork is a massive freelance marketplace used by companies such as Dropbox, Airbnb, and Microsoft to hire freelancers. It is a formidable brand in online jobs and freelancing. Jobs are available in various categories: administrative support, engineering and architecture, sales and marketing, and customer service.


Fiverr is a freelance marketplace with a plethora of remote opportunities. The site focuses on “gigs” – small, quick jobs like audio editing or video transcription. It is an excellent place to look for simple and one-time remote work. Many listings will pay you starting at $5 per task and increasing the rate based on the difficulty and expertise needed. But plenty of higher-paying remote jobs are also available.

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How to find an entry-level remote job?

There are various approaches to finding a remote job, but you’ll need to be a little more specific in your search for entry-level positions.

Even though they are becoming more popular, there are still far fewer entry-level remote jobs than mid-level or senior-level positions. And you can bet that any entry-level, location-non-dependent job position posted online will have many qualified applicants. Remote jobs and freelancing have become tremendously competitive, especially now that many have found them financially and professionally rewarding.

Thus, you must stay current on the job market and use every resource available to stand out from all other applicants.

To help you, here are some helpful tips that I have learned through the years:

Make a list of the skills you’ll need for the job you want

Before deciding how to sell yourself for a specific job, it’s always a good idea to know what employers are looking for and what similar positions are looking for. Pull up a few job descriptions for the type of job you want and read through them to see what skills and experiences employers are looking for.

Determine your transferable skills and emphasize them in your job search

Transferable skills are abilities you have learned in one situation that you can apply to a job that does not appear to be directly related. For example, coordinating the schedule for a student or parent group could translate to a job as an executive assistant where scheduling and planning are regular tasks. Include these skills in your resume, cover letter, and interview responses so that whoever hires you will know that you have the skills they’re looking for.

Utilize remote job boards

We recommend limiting your search to a few well-known remote job boards, as most remote positions end up there and are cross-listed on smaller sites.

You’ll need to put in the extra effort to stand out when using job boards as your primary source of potential opportunities. Remote jobs are in high demand, particularly among entry-level professionals, and attract many applicants.

According to an AfterCollege study, 68 percent of millennial job seekers said the ability to work remotely would significantly increase their interest in specific employers. Make sure your resume is current and incorporate some professional skills and characteristics that would make you an excellent remote employee into your cover letter.

Make use of your connections

Your network is your most significant asset when getting a job, especially if you’re looking for a remote position. One quick clarification: we don’t only mean the folks you’re connected to on social media when we say “network.” We’re talking about long-time friends, neighbors, and peers from your professional organization.

Though your connections as an entry-level professional may not be the ones making hiring choices, they may be able to put in a good word for you at their organization or inform you about impending openings. You’ll find chances for a remote lifestyle all around you if you’re prepared to put yourself out there and ask for a foot in the door.

Set up an online portfolio

A strong portfolio is essential for writers, designers, software engineers, social media managers, and anyone else producing creative work for an employer. Create an online portfolio or personal website where you can showcase all your best work in one convenient location.

You can include a direct link to it in your resume. If you haven’t worked in the field before, you can still show employers your skills and style by creating graphics, articles, programming projects, or whatever else you’d be producing in your job.

Show that you have what it takes to be an excellent remote employee

Employers want to see a dependable and dedicated worker, especially since working remotely means you will not be guided and supervised in person. They want to ensure remote employees will still complete their work on time and won’t struggle to keep up without being in the office.

So, throughout the hiring process, emphasize your independence and communication, problem-solving, organizational, and time management skills, and be prepared to answer common remote interview questions.

Picture of The VA Reviewer

The VA Reviewer

The VA reviewer is an avid traveler, a licensed accountant, practicing corporate and tax lawyer, and an online entrepreneur. He has leveraged his online job experience and professional qualifications to provide solutions to problems hounding businesses.

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