Everything You Need to Know About Product Listing Job

Everything You Need to Know About Product Listing Job

If you want to be a top online seller, you must learn to manage your time effectively. As an entrepreneur, you must understand where you can save time that you can use to improve on more essential aspects of your business. 

When you dabble into online selling and e-commerce, you’ll find time-consuming tasks like listing your products inside your online store. It is a highly administrative and heavily detail-oriented task.

But there is more to just simply listing products for an e-commerce store. It is not the mindless job that you’d initially think.

This article will discuss product listing as a job and why do you need to outsource it to experienced product listing providers.

What is Product Listing in eCommerce?

Product listing in e-commerce refers to replicating the details of items/services across various digital properties/avenues. It allows e-commerce merchants to list their products across multiple digital platforms and channels.

What Does a Product Lister Do?

A product lister works for an e-commerce company and creates listings for online products. 

As a product lister, you may be responsible for creating a streamlined layout, writing content to describe listings, optimizing copy for online search, and writing content to tell listings. 

You could also assist in improving older listings to increase sales and ratings. 

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Skills Every Product Lister Should Have

The following are some of the basic skills that a product lister needs to perform the functions of the job effectively:


The product caption is one of the most important aspects of a product listing. The caption is crucial as it will allow potential buyers to comprehend the product’s nature. And it responds to the question of whether it can help them with their needs.

As a result, when customers read the captions, the language should entice them to purchase the products right away. 

You do not have to be a copywriter to work as a product listing professional. However, it would be preferable if you used copywriting techniques to increase the sale of your listings.

So a background in copywriting or understanding the basics would be a massive help.

Understanding of SEO

Customers must be able to see your products before they can purchase them. The products offered on Google and other marketplaces are ranked using an algorithm. As a product listing expert, you should be well-versed in these guidelines.

To rank in the search results, you will need a basic understanding of SEO to optimize your listings with specific keywords.

Basic photography and image editing

Customers are more likely to notice the photographs than the words. If you want to lure more clients into learning more about your goods, you need to give eye-catching product photos. 

You may need a basic familiarity with photography and image editing for this.

Some customers may even send you the items you need to photograph for the ad. Having basic photography and picture editing skills would be beneficial in your work.

Research skills

Your client will not provide you with every single detail. Some items may require more information to justify their value. 

That is why product listing experts exist to fill the void. You should be able to find statistics and figures that can assist you in making more detailed info with your listings.

Can analyze the information

Every listing comes with metrics to indicate how well it is performing. 

How many people are looking at the ad? Are the goods being purchased? 

If the old listings aren’t performing well, you can re-calibrate them. You can also copy the listing that is generating the most traffic.

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Responsibilities of a Product Lister

Here are the top responsibilities of an online product lister:

Uploading products

Product listing includes the uploading of product information to the online store. You need to provide the SKUs of your products in one of the following formats to have them uploaded: PDF,.xls file, Dropbox file, Google sheet, CSV, or store them in a CRM.

Product description based on marketplace eligibility

You may encounter issues such as product upload failure while manually uploading products to various marketplaces. It could be because the product details are incompatible with the market where the products are uploaded. Product listers ensure that a product’s description is well optimized to be compatible with the relevant marketplace.

Increasing product visibility

Products become more recognizable with optimized product descriptions. Product listers optimizing product descriptions will reduce the likelihood of product rejection due to the incorrect title, product description, price details, etc.

Selecting multiple marketplaces

Product listers, through research, will choose multiple marketplaces to upload your products to at the same time. It saves you time and effort and fulfills the true purpose of multichannel marketing.

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Black Friday sales and product lister services

Black Friday is a massive retail event in the US. In 2021, online sales on Black Friday came at a staggering $8.9 billion. That’s only for one day. 

Events such as Black Friday necessitate sellers to maintain sufficient inventory so their products do not run out of stock and keep up with the many orders they receive.

You can classify sellers into two types:

1) Sellers with an online store

With the help of integration apps that make listing products from an online store to marketplaces easier, such sellers can easily be at the top of their game in fulfilling every order they receive.

2) Sellers without an online store

Sellers who do not have an online store and want to sell directly on various marketplaces may find the task of uploading products to be extremely difficult.

Product Lister Services are available to help them with this task.

Why should you outsource product listing?

eCommerce product listing is much work. It is almost impossible to do it all in-house because business owners already have many on their plates. 

Hiring a resource specializing in e-commerce listing is expensive and tricky. Hence, businesses these days prefer to outsource.

It saves time and money

It is something that all e-commerce business owners need. 

Outsourcing product listing frees up much time for them to focus on other essential aspects of the business. Furthermore, outsourcing the task to a third party for a flat fee is less expensive than hiring a full-time salaried resource in-house to do the job. Add in other employee benefits such as leave, allowances, and so on, and the total is far greater than what you would pay an outsourcing company for the specific task.

Experts perform the task

These outsourcing organizations have the necessary competence and experience to complete a task. As a result, you can be confident that your company is in good hands. Professionals complete the process quickly and thoroughly, using all available tips and tactics to optimize the listing’s value.

Make SEO-driven strategies a part of your marketing strategy

If an e-commerce store does not appear in users’ product searches, it is effectively non-existent. Not being found online means they won’t be sold at all. 

And if your products can be found online, they would be competing against thousands of comparable products available for purchase. This intense competition necessitates SEO-related methods such as keywords, image tags, and so on.

It is best accomplished by e-commerce professionals who possess the essential expertise to do keyword research for various e-commerce platforms like Amazon and eBay.

New product uploading

Those familiar with eBay’s workings know that as an e-commerce site owner, you must constantly add new things. Adding new product listings tells the search engine that you’re a busy seller, which helps your older listings rank higher. 

It becomes easier if you’ve outsourced your listing services because they’re specialists who can quickly upload new listings. They also employ applications like Turbo Lister and Vendio for mass uploads. Not only does this save time, but it also ensures efficiency.

Product categorization

It is critical to categorize your products correctly; otherwise, they will not be found in searches. E-commerce experts from various outsourcing organizations are skilled at managing multiple products and ordering them appropriately.

Greater accuracy

When it comes to product listings, accuracy is vital. Most e-commerce outsourcing organizations have extensive expertise operating all types of e-commerce platforms, ensuring accuracy and diligence in their work. 

They pay close attention to even the tiniest information about your goods, such as the SKU, color, dimension, and weight, which they can use in product descriptions. That way, you can ensure that the listing is complete, detailed, and correct.

Workplace relationships are free of conflict

Who doesn’t want to work in a small, close-knit team? But, let’s face it, as job pressure builds, it can produce friction within the team if you suspect one or more team members aren’t giving it their all.

It might sometimes have an impact on your relationships with your teammates. 

You will not have to worry about that once you have decided to outsource because you’ll have a very formal and contractual agreement with the vendor that is strictly limited to the scope of work.

Increased conversion rates

There are several factors to listing goods on eBay. Everything is covered, from using appropriate photos to creating keyword-rich, appealing product titles and descriptions. 

Making a comprehensive product listing necessitates a variety of skills. Outsourcing businesses usually have trained personnel who can handle these diverse areas. 

They employ copywriters who craft appealing names and descriptions to pique a buyer’s interest and increase conversion rates.


Since merchants typically have thousands of products, transporting product data across channels and tracking individual purchases becomes a daunting task. Different things, the nature of sales channels, and the suitability of items, on the other hand, add to the complexity. 

The Product Lister Service, on the other hand, not only simplifies the procedure but also automates it and makes managing all of these processes a breeze.

Picture of The VA Reviewer

The VA Reviewer

The VA reviewer is an avid traveler, a licensed accountant, practicing corporate and tax lawyer, and an online entrepreneur. He has leveraged his online job experience and professional qualifications to provide solutions to problems hounding businesses.

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