The Easiest Online Part-time Jobs to Earn Extra this 2021

Not everyone who wants to work from home wants to work 40 hours per week. Perhaps you are busy with schoolwork or running your business. Maybe you just need a little extra money to cover your bills or to add in your savings.

There are many great opportunities to get an online part-time job. Whether you are looking for a temporary solution or a steady source of income, these options provide maximum flexibility. Thus, allowing you to have some quality time with yourself and your loved ones.

In this article, you will learn about the easiest online part-time jobs for all skill levels.

Easiest Online Part-time Jobs to Earn Extra this 2021

Online Part-time Jobs

1.   Freelance Writer ($30/hour)

Freelance writing is a popular online part-time job that rarely requires a degree or prior experience. In most cases, it also provides a very flexible schedule. You can work whenever and wherever you want as long as you meet your deadlines.

Businesses hire writers for a variety of one-time and short-term projects. Such as books, blog posts, technical manuals, proposals, sales materials, and film/video scripts. Many businesses also hire part-time writers for long-term projects.

Starting your own blog is another excellent way to make money from writing. Many people choose to do this as a full-time job. But it can also provide a reliable source of part-time income if you only have a few hours per day to devote to it.

Where to find Freelance Writing Jobs:

If you want to be a freelance writer, you should check out Upwork and Fiverr. These platforms can help you collaborate with almost anyone, from small-time bloggers to large corporations. Clients on Upwork pay more, but Fiverr clients are easier to find.

ProBlogger is a job board specializing in content writer positions. Blogging, copywriting, ghostwriting, and editing/proofreading are all common job listings on this site. is a trustworthy job board in the Philippines. The website focuses on remote positions, with full-time and part-time work-from-home opportunities listed. It has thousands of online job opportunities for Filipinos. Writing articles, forum posts, blogs, and other content is a common task, and you may also do SEO and link building.

2.   Virtual Assistant (VA) ($6/hour)

A new sort of administrative assistant, known as a virtual assistant (VA), has emerged because of the rise of virtual work. Some of a virtual assistant’s responsibilities include:

  • Scheduling
  • Bookkeeping
  • Writing/scheduling blog posts
  • Email correspondence
  • Social media monitoring

This job provides an excellent opportunity to develop various skills that will enable you to earn more money in the future. It may not always be the most vital work, but you can enjoy this as an online part-time job.

Where to find Virtual Assistant Jobs:

As a virtual assistant or bookkeeper, Belay offers online job opportunities as an independent contractor. Belay works with various clients and will place you in a position that best suits your abilities. 

Depending on the contractor you work with, part-time and full-time opportunities are available. New employees will receive paid training as well as ongoing training and help as needed. They prefer bachelor’s degree holders and those with previous assistant experience but are not required.

FancyHands specializes in shorter projects that take about 15-20 minutes to do. This site may not be the right platform for seasoned virtual assistants. But it is an excellent place for newbies to look for jobs since it offers task-based work, including data entry, handling phone calls, scheduling appointments, price tracking, and finding hotels at specific rates. is your one-stop shop for virtual assistants, whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro. It is the ideal place to learn the ins and outs of virtual assisting. You can network with employers and other VAs and find work with tons of free resources and education.

3.   Transcription ($15/hour)

The process of converting audio to text is known as transcription. Transcribers (also known as transcriptionists) listen to recordings and write/type down what they hear. Most businesses pay by the audio minute. 

Thus, your rates will vary based on how long it takes you to transcribe the file. It is one of the most accessible online part-time jobs available, but the pay is on the lower end of the scale.

Where to Find Transcription Jobs:

Rev is a company that allows you to enjoy work-from-home. You can work on your preferred schedule, transcribe exciting content, and earn a flexible income. Plus, Rev also provides all necessary training for you to deliver high-quality results.

TranscribeMe provides year-round work for independent contractors. Projects consist of transcribing short 1–2-minute clips, allowing you to work from home or wherever you want in your spare time. 

All you need is a computer and access to the internet. You can take on longer transcriptions. Such as legal and medical records to supplement your income. However, you must pass an entrance exam that assesses your English abilities.

4.   Online Tutoring ($24.65/hour)

Tutoring is one of the best online part-time jobs for people looking for extra cash. Most contracting sites allow you to work as much or as little as you want. 

You will need high-speed internet access as well as a webcam. To ensure smooth video conferencing with your students, you will need a high-quality broadband Internet connection besides a computer with a good camera and a headset.

Where to Find Online Tutoring Jobs:

Italki provides speakers of any language with the opportunity to work as language tutors. Applicants from any country are welcome, making it a very flexible job for travelers. 

Tutoring sessions are held over Skype or other free VOIP software. After each session, you will provide feedback to the student. Tutors can set their own prices per lesson, and Italki charges a 15% fee.

Besides language tutoring, Skooli also offers tutoring jobs in subjects ranging from K-12 to college. And if you are a language tutor, you have some excellent options. 

The company prefers tutors with at least a bachelor’s degree in the topic they’re interested in, a teaching license, and/or a specialized or professional certification (like TESOL for ESL teachers, and so on). 

Skooli pays around $25 per hour. The pay can get bigger with some additional requirements.

5.   Micro jobs ($2.50 to $30/hour)

Micro job sites can be an option if you genuinely do not need anything other than a bit of spending money. The pay is usually low, but the workload is entirely up to you. 

The job includes data entry, photo labeling, product descriptions, answering online survey questions, conducting research, and transcribing documents.

Where to Find Micro jobs:

Amazon is constantly on the lookout for freelance remote workers to assist Amazon Mechanical Turk clients. 

This job entails various tasks such as assisting companies in selecting product images, deleting multiple images, completing surveys, data verification/clean-up, information gathering, and data processing. 

You can do your work in your leisure time from any place with an internet connection. Pay varies for every task, and you can work on as many as you like.

Clickworker is a popular micro-tasking website that offers many tasks. Such as short writing assignments, editing, data browsing/categorization, online survey completion, and more. The tasks you complete help Clickworker improve its artificial intelligence capabilities.


Many online part-time jobs pay above minimum wage. Even if you are not sure which one is ideal, the best thing to do is get started. Although these occupations are not in your long-term plans, they can help you grow your savings account or build up some valuable experience before jumping to more lucrative remote positions. 

Picture of The VA Reviewer

The VA Reviewer

The VA reviewer is an avid traveler, a licensed accountant, practicing corporate and tax lawyer, and an online entrepreneur. He has leveraged his online job experience and professional qualifications to provide solutions to problems hounding businesses.

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