Guide on How To Become a Virtual Assistant

We all reach a point in our lives when we want to create a balance between working, making a living, and having fun. If you want a stable career and have your sweet freedom, then become a virtual assistant.

As a virtual assistant, you have the freedom to choose who you work for and what tasks you will do. You can also choose your schedule and work from the comforts of your home.

Virtual assistant positions are a well-known and highly sought-after type of remote work. This article will guide you on the loops and turns of becoming one, so keep on reading!

How To Become a Virtual Assistant?

What is a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant (VA) is someone who can aid other businesses from a remote location. As a norm, VAs work from home, performing tasks usually done by an administrative assistant or secretary.

Through high-speed internet, document sharing, and low-cost conference calling systems, virtual assistants are in high demand among entrepreneurs and online businesses. Since most businesses nowadays need assistance but do not want to hire full-time employees in a specific location.

Some virtual assistants work in more specialized roles based on their skill sets. A virtual assistant can do bookkeeping, online research, or create presentations from raw data depending on the expertise.

Duties & Responsibilities of Virtual Assistants

A virtual assistant is simply someone who can assist with tasks from a remote location. As a contractor or self-employed person, you will provide services to clients daily. It includes, but is not limited to:

  • email management
  • content creation
  • bookkeeping
  • graphic design
  • social media, etc.

Since much of a virtual assistant’s work is done on a computer, excellent typing skills and familiarity with various computer programs are required.

Education, Training, & Certification

Finishing a bachelor’s degree is not required to become a virtual assistant. But it will most likely give you an advantage when it comes to attracting clients.


You can enroll in online training courses. Either a company or an online educator offers them.


A few companies will also certify you as a virtual assistant. Some online educators, as well as community colleges, offer VA skill certification.

Work Environment for Virtual Assistants

To work as a virtual assistant, you must have a dedicated home office, like any other remote job. You’ll also need a printer, copier/scanner, and fax machine. And of course, a computer with a high-speed Internet connection is a must. You may also need a dedicated landline.

Types of Services a Virtual Assistant can Provide

General Admin

If you have former office job experience, this is an excellent way to begin as a virtual assistant. It is probably not the most promising option. But administrative support is important to most businesses. It is also a clever way to showcase yourself to small business owners in need of assistance.

  • Calendar and schedule management
  • Travel arrangements
  • File and document organization
  • Email monitoring and organizing
  • Answering and directing calls

Social Media

Many business owners understand the importance of having a social media presence. But few have the time to commit to producing content, sharing it, and engaging with their audience.

If you have the creativity and passion for managing social media accounts, this is the niche for you. Social media virtual assistants are in high demand. If you have any of the following skills, this field could be a good fit for you:

  • Writing catchy headlines and being well-versed in copywriting and marketing is your thing.
  • You have an eye for design and can select beautiful images for the content you are going to.
  • You are always updated with the current trends in the world.
  • You can interact with a brand’s audience and maintain a conversation with them.


Every day, business owners face an impossible number of tasks. Running an e-commerce store can be difficult, particularly for small and medium-sized businesses. It is where a virtual assistant can come in handy.

  • Handling customer service.
  • Order tracking includes order entry, shipment, and invoicing.
  • Handle returns and exchanges
  • Inventory control
  • Assistance with marketing
  • Upkeep of the website


If you have prior finance and bookkeeping experience, this could be a very profitable virtual assistant niche for you to consider.

  • Bookkeeping
  • Invoice creation
  • Payment processing
  • Payroll


If you dream of having your blog, becoming a blogger’s VA is a great way to jump-start your blogging career.

It is a great opportunity to learn how successful bloggers run their blogs. Plus, you get to earn while helping them with more administrative tasks.

  • Write, edit, and proofread blog posts.
  • Moderate blog comments.
  • Create graphics for blog posts or social media
  • Improve SEO.
  • Remove broken links, add affiliate links.
  • Manage readers’ emails.
  • Schedule social media.

Virtual Assistant Salary

The salary of a virtual assistant varies according to their years of experience and the skills they can provide.

According to PayScale, the annual salary range is $15,387 to $65,379, with a median annual rate of $36,272. The hourly rate for a virtual assistant range from $10.16 to $29.49, with a median hourly rate of around $16.

How To Become A Virtual Assistant

Here are some ways to get started if you have no direct experience or are looking for virtual assistant jobs for beginners.

Prepare What You Can Offer. 

You are aware that as a virtual assistant, you can provide a plethora of services. Writing, emailing, calendar management, bookkeeping, marketing, social media, and other tasks are possible. Concentrate on the skills you already have and enjoy doing it. There is no reason for you to back down, especially when you are still starting and have a lot to learn.

Set Up Your Business Smartly. 

Before you start your business, you should seek professional advice on how to set it up correctly.

Inquire whether it is fine to set it up as a sole proprietor because it is a quick and easy method that does not need any special setup. The only problem is that if something goes wrong with your business, you will jeopardize your personal assets.

The next option is to establish a low-cost LLC. If you are ever sued, this will protect your personal assets, such as your home.

Join An Organization. 

Join organizations that provide networking and professional development, such as the International Virtual Assistants Association and

Build Your Own Website And Social Media Presence. 

If you want to work from home, you must market yourself as an expert in online communication. The best way to accomplish this is to build a website that showcases your skills and the services you provide. Consider it your “virtual” CV. Social media is a powerful part of your business. But it does not mean that you just pop out everywhere. Look where your potential clients mostly are and master those social media platforms.

Check With Your Connections. 

Make use of your network by informing your friends, family, and professional contacts that you are looking for work as a virtual assistant.

Search For Clients. 

You can look for clients on large job boards like Indeed and Monster. You can also check on sites that specialize in telecommuting and flexible employment opportunities like FlexJobs and Upwork.

Are You Ready to Become the Next VA Superstar?

If your answer is yes, you must believe in yourself. If you have what it takes to be a virtual assistant and are determined to become one, just focus on what you are good at and personalize your offer to reflect your strengths.

You will have a lot to learn, and you’ll have to be determined not to give up because the freedom that comes with being in charge of your own life will be astounding.

Picture of The VA Reviewer

The VA Reviewer

The VA reviewer is an avid traveler, a licensed accountant, practicing corporate and tax lawyer, and an online entrepreneur. He has leveraged his online job experience and professional qualifications to provide solutions to problems hounding businesses.

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